Film And Video

By Professional Photographer And Cinematographer William Apollo.

Live Events

We don't do weddings. Well... not church weddings, anyway. Not because we don't believe in them or hold them in the highest regard. We do. We just feel there are already plenty of people serving that market and we can let them do what they do best. While we do what we do best. Now, if you are a tattooed and pierced couple getting married on a nudist beach. Well... we can show up in tuxedos or birthday suits... whatever suits you.

Concerts, plays, burlesque shows... we love them all and have years of experience filming them and making DVDs for personal use or distribution. We are not the cheapest solution. You have plenty of friends with smartphones for that. We are, however, the highly qualified and professional solution for you. You put a lot of hard work into your show... you should have a video and/or DVD that helps you get the most enjoyment and profit from your show for years to come.

Video Intros

We have affordable options to create high quality video segments 30 seconds to three minutes in length for you to use in Social Media promotions, on your Website or on others to which you belong. We can interview you on location or in our studio with professional lighting, high definition cameras and high quality sound.

Love Stories

Do you have a role playing fantasy you wish to explore with your lover, or on your own? We can help write a script if you don't have one... we can direct you to get the most out of your performance, and we can film and edit with professional techniques for your lifelong enjoyment. We can also grantee discretion by signing non-release forms for you and removing all traces of your assets and finished products from our cameras and computers (unless you ask us to keep archive them).

Video/DVD Editing

Perhaps you have a collection of videos you wish to have edited into a finished product with DVD navigation menus.? Whether for your own enjoyment or a professional solution for your business, we can create a professional product from your assets.

Annie A-Bomb

Our pleasure to work with Annie... she created this costume and modeled it for these publicity photos for her costume design business.

The Kitten Show

We had the privilege to do both photograph and video record this live show in Philadelphia called, The Kitten Show. Afterward we edited the video and created a DVD with elegant navigation menus to show the videos and animated sideshows of the photography. We made a copy for each of the performers and the producer has the master to make copies for her customers.